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How the HibriturSelva partnership promotes economic development through tourism innovations

Costs and savings


The project has been led by Comarque Council and involves two phases: 

Phase 1 (December 2012 - December 2013): ~ € 190,000 euros

The first phase was financially supported by the Employment Service of Catalonia and the European Social Fund, through the granting subsidies for innovative and experimental projects from the Employment Service of Catalonia.

Phase 2 (December 2013 - December 2014): ~ € 149,000 euros

The second phase was financially supported by the Employment Service of Catalonia, the State Public Employment Service and the European Social Fund, through the granting subsidies for innovative and experimental projects from the Employment Service of Catalonia.



In addition, the project received the suport and funding of La Selva Comarca de l’AiguaTourism Association, the municipalities of Lloret de Mar, Sant Hilari Sacalm and Hostalric.

It is difficult to account fully for the savings that this project has brought in monetary terms. What is clear is that it has enabled the possibility of improving and strengthening the tourism sector in La Selva by changing the management methods in many SMEs and fostering a collaborative environment that enabled the production of better outcomes (34 new products/services and 12 new packages/activities for travel agencies).

About this case study
Main Contact

Josep Gesti

Local Development Project Manager of La Selva Comarque Council


Nemo Remesar

Local Development Unit, Employment Service of Catalonia

Josep Gesti of the local authority of Comarque de la Selva, and Nemo Remesar, Employment Service of Catalonia, wrote this case study in March 2015.

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